This was the crate as it looked when I got it home. Everything is lifeless and dusty and not real appetizing, at least to me. Cleaning and trimming makes a big diff as you can see...
There were several radishes but I gave them to another woman who was picking up her box at the same time. Just can't find a use for radishes that I enjoy. My mom used to eat them sliced thin on buttered white bread with a light sprinkle of salt, but several things about that don't sound good to me, so that's out.
The strawberries will get cut up and slightly sweetened to eat on cereal, but I'm not real sure what I'll do with the blackberries. I ate a few this morning stirred into some yogurt, but feel like they deserve something more exciting. Maybe I should freeze them and wait till I have a couple week's worth to make a small cobbler...